November 2, 2001
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Questioning Games 2

(If you're joining us in progress, see A Game Question first)

Act II: You (yes, we mean 'you' -- don't miss Walker's wonderful piece on the 2nd person in games) are a comfortable professional, working perhaps in a University in a pleasant university town. One day, unexpectedly, Something Happens, and you discover that your father (or your daughter, or your lover) is not the man you thought he was. You find he's capable of terrible things. You find he's horribly, irredeemiably weak.

It's a dramatic moment. A narrative moment. A very human moment.

Can we do it on stage? Sure: Aeschylus. Plautus. Shakespeare. Wilde. Tony Kushner. Can we do it on screen? Ask Cary Grant, or Groucho Marx, or Buffy creator Joss Whedon. Poems? Epic or light, from Mortu Arthure to W. S. Gilbert. Can we do it in hypertext fiction? In spades, hearts, or diamonds (WOE, Charmin Cleary, Victory Garden. Plenty of others)

So let's step over to that big bookshelf that holds our 20 years of games, and start picking out the games that tell us about Fathers and Sons. (Same house rules) What've I missed? (Email me even though I'm on the road this week.)