Tinderbox Weekend Cambridge

weekend window, © Chris
It was a remarkable weekend, perhaps the best Tinderbox Weekend yet. As usual, the highlight was the opportunity to learn about new and exciting Tinderbox tasks. Robert Brook (who has an interestingly hypertextual weblog) looked at Tinderbox and the information needs of Parliament. Fionnbar Lenihan took us on a tour of using Tinderbox to navigate the bureaucratic tangles of forensic psychiatry, particular trying to pull together the important facts and ideas from vast mountains of paperwork. Janet Salaff and Arent Greve showed us fascinating work, analyzing interviews with Hong Kong emigrants who were looking for (or thinking about) jobs. J. Nathan Matias demonstrated his stunning Tinderbox experiments in stretchtext and Web-readable maps. And there was lots more.

This fine fellow followed me into the building on Sunday morning, and later walked into the seminar room to make sure we were comporting ourselves properly. He's rumoured to be from Magdalene but to prefer the fare (and the scratchable walls) in the Fisher building of St. Johns.

Many thanks to St. John's, and to the Committee of the Samuel Butler Room, for making this weekend possible.