visual notes
Tab Dump on visual note-taking, especially the much-twittered VizThink panel at SXSW.
- Austin Kleon : Posts tagged 'Viznotes'
- Notes on the VizThink Visual Notetaking 101 Webinar
- Sunni Brown
- Sunni Brown: The Doodle Revolution
- Rohdesign | Designer Mike Rohde
- Dave Gray » Some basic rules for napkin-sketching
- Visual Think for Writers
- Visual thinking school
- VizThink
- Leancamp - Lean Startup, Rework, Visual Thinking Unconference
This is a Tinderbox trick I haven't used lately. I had a bunch of URLs I wanted to save, so I dragged them into a new Tinderbox document. That way, I’d have them handy later. If I want to revisit the site, I just open the corresponding note – Tinderbox keeps track of the URL.

Then, I thought you might like to have them too. So I dragged these notes into my weblog, and made a fresh export template called "tab dump":
Where I want the list to appear in the post, I just say:
Now, any time I want to share a list of URLs here, I have a handy way to do it. It only took a minute to write the template, and I’ve got a nifty new feature – and a handy place to preserve reading lists.