June 27, 2004


It's a busy morning here; Technorati and Feedster and the rest are making my ears red. Nothing beats scolding the blogosphere for getting the blogosphere talking.

Dave Winer has a charming post (written at 1am) about our talk, and about his mentor, Doug Engelbart. It's interesting that Dave is an Engelbarter. At the first Hypertext Conference, lots of hypertext people met for the first time -- we knew each other's work and ideas, but we'd never seen each other in person. Back then, almost everyone could trace their genealogy to Nelson or to Engelbart. Chemists, like Russians, are invariably introduced by their academic pedigree: your dissertation supervisor, and usually their dissertation supervisor as well, become your professional patronymic. (Bernstein worked for Kevin Peters, who worked for Ken Wiberg, who worked for Doering...)